I'm really sorry for being away for a really long time.
Let me explain myself: When I received this request, I had the idea of putting every Zombieland girl on screen at the same time, so the 7 would be on the same video. The thing is, something went terribly wrong with that idea, and once I loaded the fifth girl, not only MMD, but my entire system crashed. Althought it kinda fixed itself when I restarted, I found out thanks to CrystalDiskInfo that the Hard Disk was damaged with pending sectors. This is bad, not only because you're risking your data, but eventually that Hard Drive could eventually just die at any moment if you don't do anything about it.
So, I had to backup my entire data, format my HDD with a safe format and put everything back again, and then export eight, EIGHT videos of zombieland girls because my Ram, CPU and GPU are not capable of having more than 4 dressed ASU girls at the same time. Pretty unfortunate if you ask me. However, after fixing that I finally was able to export and then upload the videos, and they took 3 entire days to get uploaded. It just was insane. So you may be asking, 8 videos? Where are the rest? This is one, the other 7 videos which are the individual dance for every zombie girl are available at Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/posts/51855589
Listen, I know that it wasn't y'all fault that my HDD almost died, however if you want to support these kind of stuff and maybe even help me get some better hardware to avoid this kind of situation, you can support me! Thank you very much for understanding, and even more for your patience.So, with that out of the way, the models can be downloaded here for free: https://ecchi.iwara.tv/images/asu-modules-edit-v5-dl
Because I'm finishing some commissions and setting up everything again, for the moment I won't promote comms and neither the discord server, I must finish some stuff before I can do that, however if you are interested, you can seach for the links on previous posts. I have a "filler" video to just showcase the models outfits, hope I can get that uploaded tomorrow or something.I'm really sorry for the problems caused and the delays, I hope you guys enjoy this project! I'll work hard for the next ones.