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Shimakaze Naked Apron Dance (剣聖ダンス) And Sex (First Person Camera)

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This is a project I started 4 years ago. I think I will put the stuff I used first and talk about it afterwards since it might go on for a bit.

Models:Old version of Ademar440 Sinsack (didn't want to risk problems by changing to the new one) and the Shimakaze model is called Shimakaze Maid but no documentation with it so no idea who made it. Downloaded 3-4 years ago and to be honest unless its been updated since then I can't recommend it. It functions fine and looks good but has the bare minimum you need to have it function in MMD. I did a lot of customization.
Stage: Kitchen Scenery by Deiroko (Deviant Art)
Motion: It started as 剣聖ダンス(Kensei Dance) by Monotama but I've changed so much it probably only uses about 30% of the original motion, everything else is pretty much my own motion.
Song: Kensei by Unmet Ozcan
Camera: Made from scratch as a first person experiment
Shader and Effects: N3+C Shader, Diffusion 7, ikSunshaft, Manual Lotion, XDoF, Working Floor, and Godray Marching

As I said I started this about 4 years ago.

It started as a pretty straight forward dance video using Gumi and a beach stage but I had been trying to use Ray and was VERY new to me at the time. I kept having problems where the background kept ghosting the model and so on and spent a while trying to figure it out until I gave up. Later I used that Gumi model I was editing in my Valentine video.
Initially I tried restarting this project with Izumi (bikini version I think) but I found the Shimakaze model and the whole ide shifted from a beach to a kitchen.

During this I found a tutorial on Iwara about doing first person camera (sorry I can't remember who it was or I would link it) and the project changed again. I realized that the 剣聖ダンス wasn't going to work as it was with the first person because I was doing it as a static camera. I started making changes but it at the time was beyond my skills to do major changes.

After several months of trial and failure I shelved it. A few months ago I remembered it and the thought occurred that I had learned a lot since the last time I tried so I started it again. It isn't perfect but I think its pretty OK for my first shot at first person. Also not as long as I thought I would make this. I am getting better at summarizing I guess.