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Mamako - [A]ddiction [Okaa-san Online]

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Since the last Mamako video I did was awful,
I wanted to do her justice this time...

I failed miserably T-T
I could not fix those breast physics,
regardless of what I tried.
It's a shame, because everything else looked good.
Maybe better luck next time...

So far, I managed to write the scripts for the MMM tutorials
and record the voiceovers.
I messed around a bit in Audacity, so it should sound good.
I basically only have one week left to finish the four videos,
I really wonder how I'm supposed to get this done. :v

And yes, I'll upload some smaller videos on Iwara next month,
while the main MMM videos will be on my YT.
Beatrice has been getting a bit too popular recently.
Let's just say Earlette has been working hard, to get your attention.
Totally wasn't procrastinating making porn or anything,
instead of working on the tutorials.

Finally managed to upload the video shesh.
Iwara acting up again.
Sorry for all that got shocked at yesterdays image post.
Was a bit too much after thinking about it.

It turned out that a certain tag,
that I auto generate with notion,
caused the upload to fail, so it's a bug?
#Tda式改変ミク・BustyBody Ver1.88.1 (Public Version)
Not sure what part is the problematic part,
but I don't care, I can upload now :D




Asset Name Creator
Model Head Mamako ヨシュアグレイス
Model Body Tda式改変ミク・BustyBody
Ver1.88.1 (Public Version)
Stage Desert Palace k-keii
Motion [A]ddiction hino
Camera [A]ddictionカメラ MARUSU
Audio [A]ddiction / GigaReol×EVO+ ギガ


Editing Rendering Animating
MikuMikuDance Blender MikuMikuMoving
PMXEditor mmd_tools MikuMikuMoving Plugins
VMDサイジング mmd_uuunyaa_tools -