Kangxi is fire ? yes, this is a mad jumpcut video, love or hate it! had this colorscheme in mind for a while.
HQ 1K, 2.5K, 4K High bitrate versions via patreon. Like / Follow / Friend if you enjoy!
Twitter ? Youtube ? Discord ? PatreonHad this 'red-passionate-flame' color scheme on my mind for a while, finally got to explore it, the stage was awesome and Kangxi was perfect match for this.
I understand jumpcut videos are not something everyone enjoys, it's meant to be rewatched a lot to be appreciated. I personally really love this style, Urishiii did an awesome job with this cam, then again when you work with a video you watch it hundreds of times :)
I did not spend a ton of time modifying the camera, which had a little too many jumpcuts to my liking in some places, even if it's super cool overall. I still adjusted some shots / angles. A few finer details get lost in iwara bitrate limit, but oh well.
Hope you like it, was pretty awesome to work on ^-^
model: Kangxi 康熙 v1.2 (JL)
track: Hear Me
motion / cam: Ureshiiiii (slightly edited)
stage: 赤い森ステージ