1 ショーに出るが恥ずかしがったため、洗脳(淫紋取付)
2 洗脳状態で入場
3 ダンスの曲1番は洗脳状態で誘うようにエロいが・・
4 曲2番で洗脳は解けたが体のみ動かし、紳士腕で嫌がりながらも・・・
5 再度洗脳し、腰ふりダンスという流れです。
P.S. すいません。リンクがおかしなことになっていたみたいです。再度上げなおしました。https://www.mediafire.com/file/9tmadbh13haat55/%25E9%2599%25B8%25E5%25A5...
白猫アップローダー PASS :MUTU
http://whitecats.dip.jp/up/download/1597069589/attach/1597069589.mp4I managed to finish it.
It is the usual low quality and low image quality, but I would appreciate it if you could enjoy it.
This time, a little video processing, because there is also a part that connects the video, there is a possibility that the sound deviation is happening,
If you don't mind, I think you can fix it if you report it.Contents
1 Brainwashing because I was shy to be on the show
2 Entered in a brainwashed state
3 The first song of the dance is erotic as invited in the brainwashing state.
4 I was able to solve the brainwashing in song 2, but I moved only the body, even though I disliked it with a gentleman's arm .
5 Brainwashing and hip-pretending danceIt is a flow.
I was thinking about the riding machine, but because I put it on in the degree of bonus
I hope you don't expect too much.
The model will be a remodeling model of Mr. Pom hime.Because the one uploaded to the video reduces the screen resolution
A large one will be distributed here by URL at a later date.
I distributed it!
P.S. I'm sorry. The link seems to have been supposed to be funny. I raised it again.https://www.mediafire.com/file/9tmadbh13haat55/%25E9%2599%25B8%25E5%25A5...
or https://www.mediafire.com/file/9tmadbh13haat55/file
White Cat Uploader PASS :MUTU