- RE-UPLOADED on 1/22/20 -
* fixed a few things, added a background and oh yeah I fixed the resolution issue for now :3
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I found a dance motion that I was able to incorporate into a Angela Balzac model (non-busty). I love both skinny and busty Angela :3
Even though I used a dance motion I still had to make a lot of tweaks because some of the bones and figure was off so even though this was a pre-made dance motion it still took me hours to complete. Also note im still working on the resolution issue it seems blurry when I upload the video but looks fine on my desktop player. hmmmmmmm,,,,
I will be messing with MMD animations more and I will not be posting any more videos until I have completed my Busty Angela Sexy Video Final Version!
Please leave me comments and reviews (good or bad) because Im still learning and would appreciate any feedback!
Thank you!
Goten123 <3
Goten123 <3