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Aika and Naoko Belly Dancing (Model DL)

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EDIT (3/13/2020): 4K version now available on my Patreon

These 2 finally have names! Aika is the tanned one and Naoko is the redhead. I am keeping the last name the same cause they haven't been edited so much that they don't still look like Izumi. (Lets just say they are cousins)
I also finished the editing. I won't promise its perfect. I mean until just 5 months ago I couldn't even figure out how to attach accessories to the body so that they moved properly.
You can download the models here:

Models: Aika & Naoko Shimizu 2.0.17
Stage: Arabian City (thats all the info I have)
Motion & Camera: Bellydance motion (edited for model correction) and BellydanceCam from the Deviant Art motion page.
Song: I think it came in the motion archive. It is just called Belly_Dance.wav no other info.
Shader:N3 + C Shader
Effects: Diffusion 7, XDOF, HgSAO and Orange Sunset skydome