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Haku first try 2

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First work from a beginner. Since it is the first time of making mmd, the pace of anime at the beginning is in a little bit hurry and the model crush a little bit in the later part, I'll take care of them in future works. Please do not use this video for profit. I'm a fan of insect sex and something like puting on restriction on figure dinamically (I find it really time consuming and annoying and this should be the reason why such type of works is limited on iwara), and the style of work from me should be something like that. Hope you guys will enjoy it. Since I'm still knowing nothing that are relative to ray-cast, my first work is done primarily from mikumikudance, and I might try something with ray cast in the future.
Eventually, thanks all the guys on iwara helping me on the forum,without you guys help there's no way for me to finish my first work. Thank you guys so much!

本人是一个虫子的粉丝,并且很享受穿戴约束装备的过程(非常耗时以及费力,这也应该是iwara上这类作品数量比较有限的原因),个人今后制作的作品也会朝着这个方向努力,希望大家能够喜欢。由于关于mmd渲染的知识还没有开始学习,所以第一个视频仅仅是从mikumiku dance制作而来,今后可能也会尝试学习渲染相关的只是。