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So it's been a while but I'm back at it again with another release. the theme this time is devils. And I even dabbled in some sound mixing on this one. The final product eneded up being the longest I've done to date, But I guess that's to be expected when you mix songs together. It's still a little off in terms of the timing, but I gotta move on. Been working on this one for far too long. Anyways, as usual, Enjoy.
Hentai List
- Tiny Evil Episode 1
- Brandish Episode 1
- Succuba Mist Story The Animation Episode 1Music:
-「Sweet Devil」を歌ってみました by ENE
-【Sweet Devil _colate Remix_ 】歌ってみた
-【歌ってみた】Sweet Devil【リシェ】 Rishe
- のぶながSweet Devil うたってみた
- Sweet Devil を歌ってみた【ヲタみんver】
- 【汐璃】 Sweet Devil【歌ってみた】
- Sweet Devil Reol