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ok so this model was a request and I finally manage to make it to about 90%
I tried adding a dick to the main model but I just could not get the texture to blend and I would always get a seam line that was way too obvious to get a passing grade, in mmd toon shader they look great but in blender renders that just pop out like a source thumb.
what I ended up doing is making the full body from scratch to have the Futa add-on as part of the main body from the beginning and now the full-body texture is part of itso now that I have this new Futa body what other model would you like to see like this and what are your opinions
Futa on futa sex? or Futa on non futa sex?
what do you think would be best and what model should be the main Futa?want to know what I'm been up to check out the discord server私の作品が好きで、もっと見たいです。 Patreonで私をサポートすることを検討してください
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ふたなりのふた? または非ふたセックスのふた?