This is a slightly updated version of my Midna video! I was doing some touch up edits to her model today, so I figured I outta do some touch up edits to my video as well. Crazy how much hotter a video gets by adding some custom facial animations, a set of pussy lips and some twilight floaty squares! Oh and it's in 4k! Or at least it should be. I think I did stuff right.
Anyways, as much as I'd like to just replace the old version and preserve the comments and all that, I fear this update would end up going unnoticed, so I'm just gonna upload this fresh version and hope to not piss people off too much.
I'll leave a link to the unlisted old version up for a few weeks so you can see the differences if you want. Zy0n7 (with some edits by me)
Stage: Nintendo, Julehyrule and Hakirya
Skydome Texture: Made it myself!
Motion and Camera: モン娘の話するかも (with some edits by me)
Effects: AutoLunimous, MetaballParticle, GreenerShader, AdultShader, and Rising Bubbles