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某种表情神态下.感觉她快哭了(Under a certain expression and demeanor, I feel like she's about to cry)

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想让诸位知道我在多早之前就在玩些什么。炫耀自己在动画以及美学艺术领域的前卫。请叫我人体学家,艺术家和美学家。我每天都在看她做各种舞蹈以及一切动画,和一切穿搭。包括格斗,剧情,探险,科幻,ryona等等一切动画。(I want you to know that I have been playing with this character for a long time. Show off one's avant-garde in the fields of animation and aesthetic art. Please call me an anthropologist, artist, and aesthetician. I watch her do various dances, animations, and dress up every day. Including combat, plot, exploration, science fiction, ryona, and all other animations.) 我一直在试图上传视频,但是经常不成功,网速没问题,但总是莫名其妙的中断(I have been trying to upload videos, but often fail. The internet speed is fine, but it always interrupts inexplicably) 视频是我手动剪辑,本身有声音,用播放器看也有声音(The video was manually edited by me, and it has its own sound. Even when viewed with a player, there is also sound) 静动双态无死角的捏脸颜值,适配一切动画,一切表情,一切穿搭。在成瘾的视觉下饮食作息显得如此渺小,比如现在打字都是趁着吃饭空隙,依旧几晚不想睡。(The static and dynamic dual state no dead angle facial features are suitable for all animations, expressions, and outfits. Under the addictive visual world, diet and daily routine seem so insignificant. For example, now typing is done during meal breaks, and I still don't want to sleep for a few nights) 每一期的人物完全相同,没有丝毫修改和变化。如果突然觉着好看,那一定是你审美提高了。模型没有变化。请恭喜自己。 (The characters in each episode are exactly the same, without any modifications or changes. If you suddenly feel good, it must be because your aesthetic has improved. The model has not changed. Please congratulate yourself.) 可以感受到人物的兼容和适配性。无论什么发型服装,在这种建模身上都能衬托起来。 (You can feel the compatibility and adaptability of the characters. No matter what hairstyle or clothing, it can stand out on this modeling body) 快手: QQ短视频: B站主页: N站主页: QQ群:45999379 备用:826656508 备用:588055125 Email:[email protected]