A smug little princess dancing in the sleeping clocktower.
So, I finished the initial version of the model. It was fun to work on her, and I like how she came out. Now I just need to work on her girlfriend and I can make Yuri content.
But that comes later.
- Model Link: https://www.iwara.zip/9f4e459c22c84c6110a5e2f3efdf643b
If there is anything wrong with the posted link, let me know. I don't know if I'm using the new Iwara site correctly. This is also my first time sharing a model, so I hope I didn't screw it up.
I am sharing this model for anyone who wants a full body Furina. And to somewhat spite those idiots who hide their models behind pay-walls.
No gloves, as I just couldn't get them to look right, my apologies. If there are any problems with the model, let me know and I'll look into them.
If you make any Yuri content with her, please let me know.
Have fun.