他のキャラのイチャラブでは裏を作らなかったですが、雪泉さんにはしっかりと裏により反転させていただきました。( ´艸`)
人目に付かぬよう森の奥まで行った二人だったが、そんな人目の付かぬ奥には安全であるはずもなく、カップルを狙う悪党が( ノД`)シクシク…
イチャラブものの反転しないつもりだったんですが、面白半分で作ってたら思いの外楽しくなっていろいろ作って今しました。Σd( ´∀` )
This is the reverse version of
I didn't make a reverse in the other character's lovemaking, but I made a firm reverse for Yumi by the reverse.( ´艸`)
Last time she and her boyfriend were making love in secret during a fireworks display, but this time it was an IF route.
This time, it is the aftermath of the two of them who went to the more secluded back of the forest.
They went deep into the forest to be secluded, but it was not safe there, and there were villains who wanted to kill the couple.( ノД`)シクシク…
Yumi was expecting to have a lovely time with her boyfriend, but she is forced to do it with a group of men who are used to women.
Yumi, who has only known the act with her boyfriend, is unable to withstand the technique of the men with rich experience with women, and is forced to climax many times.
Yumi's body had already been defeated by the boys, but she perseveres, determined not to be defeated in her heart.
This is the kind of story I was going to tell.
I didn't intend to make a flirtatious love story, but I made it just for the fun of it, and it turned out to be a lot more fun than I thought it would be.Σd( ´∀` )
Translated with DeepL.com (free version)