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雪泉、叢親子 アダルト授業参観

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リクエスト受けたもの…からかなり原作改変したものになります。 リクエストだったものだと雪泉さんと高〇生程度のユミさん、ロリユミの3人ものだったんですが、 授業参観風にしたら雪泉さん親子だけだと変かなぁっと思って叢さん親子も参戦させたため高〇生風 を外しました(;´・ω・) 動画内でのイメージでは雪泉、叢は一流の忍として活躍していたものの妊娠を機に引退、月閃の教師として 後進の指導をすることに。 その後、出産した娘達は月閃に入学したのだが、授業参観については親子セットで受けることが絶対条件となっていた。 親が教師をしているユミは授業参観に親が来ることが困難なため授業参観を受けることが出来ずにいた。(ムラクモについては運良く休みと重なったため一度だけ受けることが出来た。) そんなユミを不憫に思った教師陣は特別に個別に授業参観をさせることにする、ただ親子一組だけだと寂しいと叢親子も特別に参加することに。 初めて大好きな母親との授業参観にワクワクしていたユミちゃんだったが、授業内容は保健体育、それも房中術なのであった。 って感じのストーリーとなっております。 因みに雪泉、叢の親側は教師になってからすぐに他の教師陣に歓迎会と称した乱交会で犯され続けとっくに快楽しているという脳内設定にしてます。(;^ω^) 後最近 Default 工房 (6i) 6i 6iさんがFantiaで配布してくれているモーションを結構使用しています。 本当ありがとうございます。<m(__)m> _______________________________________________ This is a very modified version of the original story from the one that was requested. The request was for Yumi, Yumi who is a high school student, and Loli Yumi, I thought it would be strange if I made it look like a class visit and only Yumi and her son, so I made Murakumo and her son participate as well, so I removed the "high school student" style. In the video, the image of Yukizumi and her family is the same as the one in the video.(;´・ω・) In the video, Yumi and Murakumo were active as first-class shinobi, but retired when they became pregnant. They decided to teach the younger generation. Later, after the birth of her daughters, they enrolled in Gessen, but it was an absolute requirement that the parents and children attend classes as a set. Yumi, whose parents are both teachers, was unable to attend class visits because it was difficult for her parents to come. (As for Murakumo, she was lucky enough to be able to attend only once, because it coincided with a vacation.) The teachers took pity on Yumi and decided to allow her to visit classes individually, but since it would be lonely with only one parent and child, they decided to allow a parent and child in the plexus to participate as well. Yumi was excited to attend a class with her favorite mother for the first time, but the class was about health and physical education, and it was about Bosuchu-jutsu. The story is as follows. The parents of Yumi and Murakumo have been raped by other teachers in an orgy called a welcome party soon after they became teachers, and they have already enjoyed it. (;^ω^) Lately Default Workshop (6i) 6i I use a lot of motions distributed by 6i on Fantia. Thank you very much. <m(__)m>