Everyone, the hot weather continues, so please take care of your health. On hot days, let's have the girls take off their clothes and dance energetically. I'll make them dance in a setting I've thought up. Let's get started. Give me some cake. Let's eat some cake. Raise your hand if you want to eat cake. "CaKe Face!"
皆さん。暑い日が続きますが、体調にはくれぐれもお気をつけください。暑い日は、女の子たちに服を脱いでもらい元気に踊ってもらいましょう。私が考えた設定で踊らせます。さあ、始めましょう。ケーキをください。ケーキを食べましょう。ケーキが食べたくなったら手を挙げてください。"CaKe Face!"