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因为我最多只能上传1分40秒,还是有许多细节和动画无法展示。但是诸位能感受到这种皮肤质感以及身材带来的视觉效果。(Because I can only upload a maximum of 1 minute and 40 seconds, there are still many details and animations that cannot be displayed. But you can feel the visual effects of this skin texture and body shape.) 可不仅仅是超大胸部这么简单,她还拥有超小骨架和瘦度,186的净身高和超长腿,10块层次明显的腹肌。和全身凹凸分明的肌肉。(It's not just about having an oversized chest, she also has a small skeleton and is extremely thin, with a net height of 186 and extra long legs, and 10 prominent abdominal muscles. And the muscles with distinct bumps and indentations throughout the body) 由于帧率很低,当开启胸部物理时,可能会摇晃幅度大,等5090上市后升级电脑配置,或者减慢游戏速度或降低胸部柔软度都能解决。(Due to the low frame rate, when breast physics is turned on, it may shake violently,Upgrade the computer configuration or slow down the game speed after 5090 appears. Or reducing the softness of the chest can solve it.) 每一期的人物完全相同,没有丝毫修改和变化。如果突然觉着好看,那一定是你审美提高了。模型没有变化。请恭喜自己。 (The characters in each episode are exactly the same, without any modifications or changes. If you suddenly feel good, it must be because your aesthetic has improved. The model has not changed. Please congratulate yourself.) 快手: QQ短视频: B站主页: N站主页: QQ群:45999379 备用:826656508 备用:588055125 Email:[email protected]