MMDCloth Miku VirginKillerSweater Bass Knight
well... I was looking at how the MMDCloth plugin works, and after doing several tests with several models I noticed that the best way to use cloth in the MMDCloth is that the cloth model must have the distribution of even vertices, distributed, at distances the same (I don't know if I explain myself)
I give an example...
In the sun dress the concentration of vertices in the breast area is immense and the concentration of vertices in the back and skirt is very low, as seen in the image.
This causes the dress to appear strangely in MMDCLOTH due to the distribution of vertices. and since the boob area has more vertices, this part stretches and weighs more (as if it had more cloth)
so I thought I'd model something simple like a VirginKillerSweater.
and model the VirginkillerSweater in the PMXEditor trying to make the distribution of vertices throughout the model even.
Here you can see an image...
The flickering shadows seen on the edges of the sweater are normal ones that I couldn't correct.
Anyway, I'll share the model of the sweater with you in case you want to analyze it or use it or whatever.
To use it you import it to your model and with the Weight Copy Plugin of PMXEditor you copy the weights of the torzo and load them to the sweater
I think this plugin would be excellent for those who make stripping videos.
Maybe one day I'll try to make one.