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17.5 音效版Sound effects崩铁原舰蓝大乱炖 Mihoyo, Blue Archive, 艦Colle HMV

音效版来咯,借用了Bengugu(@bengugu)和紙飛行機(@new_folder_0721)大佬的音效。 来些大收藏家让我嫖点素材吧!自己扒素材实在没空剪视频啊。 时间比较紧,暂时没空加音效。如果呼声强烈的话,我会考虑优先加。 都是近期看到的比较中意的丝袜素材,如果各位有好的丝袜作者或者资源,请联系我。 欢迎提出各种建议想法或者想看的主题。推特或者私信我都可以。 ===================================== Sound effects.ver finished. Sound effects from bengugu(@bengugu) and 紙飛行機(@new_folder_0721) Because I'm short on time, I don't have time to add sound effects at the moment. Let’s talk about it later They are all stockings materials that I like recently. If you have good stockings authors or resources, please contact me. Welcome any ideas, suggestions or topics you would like to see. You can twitter or message me privately. If you have good animation , send to me please ===================================== 1080高码率已上传 1080P High bitrate: 所有作品可以在tiwtter看到 All my work on twitter: 素材来自:Shibarin(@yamada_ryo) sola(@user2501342) 紙飛行機(@new_folder_0721) 24(@24) kisaki(@user1263963) xiangweitudou(@user1936430) 感谢作者们的优秀作品,太涩了。Thanks for your amazing work.