好久不见,有兄弟想看强卡点,干脆学习了一下Beatbar,导出实在是太费劲了,前天还发烧,趁着退烧总算剪出来了, 如果有好看的资源欢迎分享,说不定就剪个啥好看的呢。 如果有需要,无鼓点无Beatbar版本可以在明天上传。
Long time no see. Some people say wanted to see some strong SYNC HMV, so I decided to learn make Beatbar. Exporting was really difficult, and I had a fever the day before yesterday. I finally managed to cut it out while the fever subsided
. If you have any good HD resources, please send to me. Maybe I can make some good things.If necessary, the non drumbeat and non Beatbar version can be uploaded tomorrow.
动画作者(creators):Akiryo,aphy3d,Bouquetman,EXGA,FPSBlyck,Gecko,HydraFXX,tiaz_3dx,vgerotica,Lazy Procrastinator.
Music remix by me