Today is the two year anniversary of this account. I hope you'll stick around!
Nothing to special due to recent events, but I wanted to do something with Firefly. Enjoy!
Model: Hoyo, TararaTarako, and Scalloped Potatoes
Motion: MXMV
Camera: CTN
Music: Dia
Stage: Cyalon
Effects: Adjuster_v021, AdultShader_v014, AutoAmibent, AutoLuminous4, Diffusion7, g_SimpleFog_01, HgSAO_v002, HgSSAO_v003, ikBokeh_v020a, ikGouache_v002, ikWatercolor2_v002, KiraKira_sparkleV2.1, LightBloom, MotionBlur3L_v002, PostMovie_v1_0, WorkingFloor2_v008