# Happy Valentines Day!
I sadly don’t have a proper video,
but here is a [little valentines gift](https://www.iwara.tv/image/HIt49sQDITpxrg).
I still feel pretty bad that I have nothing
remotely as good as last years Valentines :/
The video itself is already over a year old.
I originally made the video at the same time
I made my [100 Subscriber special on YT](https://youtu.be/BmVycb8Swwg).
It was meant as a thank you video to the release of Iwara 3.0,
but then there were issues after issues,
turned into moderator, yada yada,
and now I’m an assistant developer
and it’s a bit weird to thank yourself.
So thank you guys for watching my videos
and spending your time on Iwara :D
Don’t have much more to say tbh.
”That”, is finally over.
I got a job now I suppose.
Not sure for long though.
Already feel absolutely incompetent and useless. lel
Also didn’t help I cought a small cold last weekend.
At least I feel a lot less stressed now,
but I’m still kind of on edge.
Guess I gotta learn to relax again.
And also get back into making some projects.
I’m also trying to switch from Notion over to Obsidian.
I really like that everything is just markdown files in Obsidian
and how customisable everything is.
It also has a nice VIM editor mode!
Still need to figure out how to make the autogenerated credits,
but once I get that done, I can switch over completely.
I also want to start writing down
my knowledge about MMD and the like
so that I have an easier time finding things
and not forget how I did certain stuff.
## Info
## Credits
|Stage|[Stage 102](https://www.deviantart.com/nattadamuts/art/MMD-Stage-102-DL-by-N-Tdm-766903163)|[NatTadamuts](https://www.deviantart.com/nattadamuts)|
|Motion & Camera|[Thank You](https://youtu.be/HR754XXxyoI)|[mf7cli](https://www.youtube.com/c/mf7cli)|
|Audio|[Thank You (땡큐)](https://youtu.be/sdycvSqMhPI)|[Brave Girls 브레이브걸스](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCx_kYu6Wp1yxZP_KtrW52EQ)|
## Tools
|[MikuMikuDance](https://learnmmd.com/downloads/)|[Blender](https://www.blender.org/)|[MikuMikuMoving](https://sites.google.com/site/mikumikumovingeng)|[Shutter Encoder](https://www.shutterencoder.com/en/)|
|[PMXEditor](https://www.deviantart.com/inochi-pm/art/PmxEditor-vr-0254f-English-Version-v2-0-766313588)|[mmd_tools](https://github.com/UuuNyaa/blender_mmd_tools)|[MikuMikuMoving Plugins](https://github.com/mfakane/MikuMikuMoving-Plugins)|[Audacity](https://www.audacityteam.org/)|