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8.5 rehaku&mitsuboshiL HMV remix 1080 60 with sound effects

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音乐由我remix 原音乐: Eliezer - Akustikrausch - Ohrbassmus(Eliezer remix) TJR - Ode To Oi TJR,Benji Madden - Come Back Down (Original Mix) Tujamo - Booty Bounce (Original Mix) 有什么好资源,高清资源,联系我发给我,剪出来你想看的岂不美哉, 顺便想问问有没有人有2.5D游戏CG的资源,类似Unitia这种,我没玩过但是看过画风蛮喜欢的,之后有点想试试剪这种,如果你有素材提取或者知道哪里能下载到CG包辛苦分享给我一下。 下一部选什么主题,欢迎评论或私信 Twitter:@SWZBHMV 素材全部来自Rehaku和MitsuboshiL,感谢大佬们的优秀作品! 还要额外感谢 威猛先生皮卡丘,没有你们就没有这次的HMV。 啪啪音效版在另一个视频,高码率已上传mega文件夹,在我推特主页 ================================== Music is remix by me Original music: Eliezer Akustikrausch Ohrbassmus (Eliezer remix) TJR Ode To Oi TJR, Benji Madden - Come Back Down (Original Mix) Tujamo - Booty Bounce (Original Mix) If you have good resources, high-definition resources, Contact me and send them to me. I can make them to be an HMV. By the way, I would like to ask if anyone has resources for 2.5D game CG, such as Unitia. I have never played it before, but I have seen art styles that I quite like. In the future, I would like to try cutting them. If you have any material extraction or know where to download CG packages, please share with me. What theme will you choose for the next installment? Feel free to comment or send a private message. Twitter: @ SWZBHMV All the materials are from Rehaku and MitsuboshiL, thank you to the masters for their excellent works! Also, I would like to thank 威猛先生皮卡丘. Without you, we wouldn't have had this HMV. The Fuck sound effect version is in another video, and the high bit rate has been uploaded to the Mega folder on my Twitter homepage