根据上次的投票结果,本期HMV是Bouquetman合集,掏出了我全部家底来制作这次的HMV。 希望你们能喜欢。
下一期的HMV准备搞点别的了,最近一直做3D的,稍微有些审美疲劳。 下期可能是MMD,也可能是2.5D,或者别的什么的,看素材的收集情况吧。
Long time no see, everyone. I’m here with a belated New Year’s gift. This time it’s still a 5-minute plus size song, which I produced and extended myself.
According to the last voting results, this issue of HMV is a Bouquetman collection. I spent all my source to produce this HMV. Hope you guys like it. The next issue of HMV is going to do something else.
I was really driven crazy by PR. I cut videos very quickly, and exporting them took me a whole day. My computer crashed more than ten times.
I have been working on 3D recently, and I am a little tired of aesthetics. The next issue may be MMD, or 2.5D, or something else, it depends on the collection of materials.
If you have any suggestions or resources to share, please comment or send a private message,
twitter: @SWZBHMV