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Fukkireta VirginKillerSweater Miku Luka 童貞を殺すセーター

童貞を殺すセーター well... it turns out that I saw on Twitter that this type of sweater became trendy. (or at least it appears a lot to me on Twitter) Anyway, I thought it was very sexy so I decided to put this sweater on Miku. First I put the sweater close to her chest, and the sweater moved as her breasts moved. But later I thought, "What if I put the sweater off her breasts?" so I did it and now the sweater bounces independently of the breasts. It's pretty difficult to set up the physics but I think I got a pretty decent result. Sometimes you can see Miku's nipples (which are delightful). (*๓´╰╯`๓)♡ Luka wears the same size sweater as Miku's, and you can't help but always show your nipples hehe. I also decided to make a version of Miku's sweater fitted and Luka's sweater looser. Anyway, I hope you like the video. until next time