🎦 🅲🅰🅼🅴🆁🅰 🅼🅰🅳🅴 🅱🆈 🅼🅴 Camera made by me *Distributed on Patreon
PATREON for Distribution of naked/4K videos/OriginalCamera (裸・4K動画・OriginalCameraの配布はPATREON)
🅿🅰🆃🆁🅴🅾🅽 👉 https://www.patreon.com/KZEntertainment
4K 🆅🅸🅳🅴🅾 Sample 👉 https://mega.nz/folder/o1pinCpC#4wK0i_Lf0YjHUGydol1vnA
- English -
With Patreon, you can get the following benefits:
* Distribution of original camera created by me
* Extreme version of the video uploaded to iwara
* 4K version of the video uploaded to iwara
* Special R-18 video created exclusively for Patreon
* Videos of accounts banned on YouTube
* More than 300 videos available to watch
- 日本語 -
* 私が作成したオリジナルカメラの配布
* iwara へアップロードした動画の過激版
* iwara へアップロードした動画の4K版
* Patreon専用に作成したR-18 特別動画
* YouTube でBANされたアカウントの動画
* 300本以上の動画が視聴可能