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鈴音先生 即堕ち2コマ快楽堕ち

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以前鈴音先生の動画を出した時に「鈴音先生の即堕ち2コマやアヘ顔」とのリクエスト希望があったので即堕ち2コマ風動画を再度作ってみました。(;^ω^) 今回は対象キャラが1名だったので鈴音先生には色々なシチュで即堕ちしてもらいました。( ´∀` ) 一応動画イメージ的には学園で教員として勤務している鈴音先生、同僚の霧夜先生に恋心を持ちながらお互いに奥手であり、中は進展していない状況であった。 そんな中真面目な彼女は不真面目な学園長、不潔な事務員、怠惰な不良等真面目な教員、生徒に害をなしそうな人物に対し指導を行っていた。 しかし、彼女の体を狙う男性たちは多く、不思議な暗示をかけることに成功する。 暗示により特定の音階(シャープペンのノック音)を聞くことで音を鳴らした男性に対し軽々しく股を開くようになってしまう。 さらに暗示状態で犯されるごとに感度が倍々に上昇し開発されていくことに。(犯されたことについての記憶はなく、淫夢のように残る。) 本人は未だ男性経験がないと思ってい鈴音先生がどんどん開発され感じまくる姿をお楽しみください。( ´艸`) ※来週ちょっと忙しいそうなので動画投稿ないかもなので予めご報告を(m´・ω・`)m _________________________________________________ When we released a video of Suzune-sensei before, there were requests for "two frames of Suzune-sensei's immediate fall and ahe-face," so we made a video of her again in the style of two frames of her immediate fall. (;^ω^) This time, there was only one target character, so I asked Suzune-sensei to fall instantly in a variety of situations. (I made the video again.) In the video, Suzune-sensei is working as a teacher at a school, and she is in love with her colleague Kiriya-sensei, but they are both shy and have not made any progress inside the school. She is a serious person, and she is instructing the school principal, the filthy clerks, the lazy delinquents, and other people who may be harmful to the serious teachers and students. However, there were many men who wanted her body, and she succeeded in making a mysterious suggestion. The suggestion causes her to listen to a specific musical scale (the knocking sound of a mechanical pencil) and to open her legs lightly to the man who makes the sound. Furthermore, the sensitivity is doubled and developed every time they are raped while in the suggestible state. (She has no memory of being raped; it remains as a whorish dream.) She has no memory of being fucked, but it is like a whore's dream. (She is a bit busy next week, so please come and watch the video.) I will be busy next week, so I may not be able to post a video.