Failed to raise enough funds for the Aurum Alley, Sushang broke her promise made to Scott and as a result become Scott's dogg.😍😍 She now has to work for Scott to pay her debts, and her first job was to entertain some VIPs in an underground club. This dance was shot just before a hurricane orgy 🥵🥵 (the orgy as a sex dance will be released sooner if you guys give me more likes❤️)
由於沒能為金人巷籌夠資金,素裳違背了對斯科特的承諾,於是作為補償,她成了斯科特的狗🐶🐶。😍😍 她現在必須為斯科特打工還債,而她的第一份工作就是在一間地下俱樂部里取悅一些變態貴賓。以下這段舞蹈是在他們銀趴狂歡之前拍攝的。 (如果大家多給我點讚的話會更快發布❤️)