What do you do when your sister mysteriously comes back from the dead? Plan and choriograoph an elaboriate dance that may or may not include striping. Oh, and eat her out while she's getting railed by her boyfriend.
Nothing weird about that, right?
Mira Model: GAHO, kurokozeref, and Scalloped Potatoes
Lisanna Model: mmdlinuxdx, LorisC93, 918, kurokozeref, Illusion, and Scalloped Potatoes
Motion: LadieAlien
Camera: LadieAlien
Music: Red Velvet
Stage: γΎγγγ
Effects: AdultShader_v014, AutoLuminous4, ikBokeh_v020a, MotionBlur3L_v002, WorkingFloor2_v008