=> [1440p Download (MEGA)](https://mega.nz/folder/5A8mWQrY#ygW29ZxB-8OOR5ycdbYPyg) <=
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Hello, it's been a while.
Every now I get the urge to start working on something, and in a moment of post-nut clarity I realize that it's way too much work and I just put it aside.
That's basically been my MMD experience since the last video/pictures, but I finally managed to keep my left on the keyboard for about a week and this is the result.
The last couple of times I chose to build a pretty scenery and put little effort into the motions but this time I worked almost exclusively on the motion and re-used the background from a previous work.
Also, this is Sanae's first solo video, so be nice to her.
[PINK CAT](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P409SawpIG0) by GARNiDELiA
[PINK CAT モーション / motion](https://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm28055630) by アガちん
[PINK CAT カメラモーション / camera motion](https://bowlroll.net/file/94541) by 野菜パンツ
[Sanae (Krag Edit)](https://www.iwara.tv/image/ZZUmjaYDVoAnSz/model-edit-dl-sanae) by myself based on Tda Reimu and Kanata Sanae
[怪しげなステージ](https://bowlroll.net/file/181310) by くてしふぉん
*Accessories & Props*
[撮影モブシルエット / Photographer mob silhouette](https://bowlroll.net/user/372669) by アダムスミス (adamsmith)
[モブシルエット / Mob silhouette](https://bowlroll.net/file/152223) by アダムスミス (adamsmith)
[ポスター看板04 / Poster sign](https://bowlroll.net/file/235142) by Oyama
[マイク&スタンド / Speakers & Microphone](https://seiga.nicovideo.jp/seiga/im10748961) by オリオンP
EXIT sign from [サイバーポールステージ](https://bowlroll.net/file/253086) by Cyalon
*Effects & Other Tools*
[Ray-MMD](https://github.com/ray-cast/ray-mmd) by @Rui
[Metaball](https://w.atwiki.jp/beamman/) by Beamman
[ikSoftfocus](https://seiga.nicovideo.jp/seiga/im10365803) by ikeno