Just managed to finish this video before Fontaine comes out - since the video is for for June + July, it's quite long this time. (Even though the later half is kinda rushed as usual)
Also, I just found out today that the "pussy change" in scene 8 has been done by [约翰森上古最后猿猴黑j德泓杰克逊沃克怂蘑菇交涉大使帽](https://www.iwara.tv/profile/user3778061) sensei already! Please believe me, it's a coincidence!!
I'm going to take a break from making long videos until next month, so the next one will be short(er) again. Lately, I finished reading Mato Seihei no slave in 3 days...
總算趕及在去楓丹之前做好了 - 由於是六+七月的份所以做得比較長(雖然後半還是老樣子,很趕就是了)
還有就是今天才發現 第八幕交換插的那部份 原来[约翰森上古最后猿猴黑j德泓杰克逊沃克怂蘑菇交涉大使帽](https://www.iwara.tv/profile/user3778061)大佬已經做了!請相信我,是實屬巧合的!!
The number of alt. versions is fewer than Inazuma Bunnys Club (because this one has too many), but I think that they are interesting nonetheless, especially the POV ones, so please consider supporting me.
**還有就是設立愛發電的事暫時還是先擱置了 - 國內卡Pixiv Fanbox能付款嗎?**
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Original character cards 原人物卡:
Dehya by マキス: https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/105809858
Nilou by Makise: https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/106839961
Aether by ActualE: https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/104435383
Original outfit card 原服飾卡: