今後はfantiaに、色々なバージョンを上げていきたいと思います!➡ https://fantia.jp/posts/2097657
また、fantiaには、鬼滅の八重歯様をリスペクトした動画のメンバーチェンジver.も上げました!➡ https://fantia.jp/posts/2092796
This time, I used models from various authors!
I would like to add various versions of my mmd to fantia in the future! Please visit https://fantia.jp/posts/2097657
I also uploaded a member-changed version of the video respecting 鬼滅の八重歯 on fantia! ➡ https://fantia.jp/posts/2092796
Thanks to all the producers of the motion, camera motion, models, and music!