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株式会社カグラ 新人OL紫編

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株式会社に努めるOLさんの日常と非日常部分の動画です。 今回非常に短いですが、一応即落ち2コマイメージで通常OLさん部分と堕ちた状態のOLさんという感じでやってます。 本当は同じようなOLさん数人で一つの動画にするつもりで一人づつを短めにしてたんですが、そうすると動画の繋がりが 変になるかなぁと思って一人づつにした関係上一つ一つの動画が短くなってしまっております。(;´・ω・) 今回は新人さんとして紫さんを抜擢しましたが、後は先輩OL、女性上司、秘書の3パターンの予定です。 ________________________________________________________ This is a video of the daily life and the extraordinary life of an office worker for a corporation. This time, it is very short, but I made it in a way that it is like a normal OL part and an OL in a fallen state, using the image of two frames that immediately fall off. I had intended to make a single video with several similar female office workers, but I thought it would make the video I was planning to make one video with several similar female office workers, but I thought it would make the video strange, so I made one video for each of them. This time, I selected Ms. Murasaki as a newcomer, but there will be 3 patterns: senior female office worker, female boss, and secretary.