Probably didn't expect this one. I will admit I was kind of resisting non-hentai HMVs because it seemed post PH purge everyone's attention completely shifted to SFM and Blender, which I think had something to do with rule34video banning studio made hentai (which I have objections to, but this isn't the place). But then I started making a Bass Slut HMV with random mp4s I had to play around with the editor and decided to do this. Don't expect that one anytime soon, I'm stuck at a spot, and the thought of tracking down that many artists for credits is scary (which is why this one is all general_butch). This isn't going to become common, though I might do another single artist one, maybe Nyakumi. But we'll be getting back to the regular hentai after the next one, which will be live-action.