Here's the bonuses I've been working on as animation practice. I'm still a long way away from where I wanna be skill wise but all I can do is keep improving! I'll put the unedited sex scenes on Tstorage for you all to enjoy as well.
Still love this model. Fuck you. Fight me.
Download the extras here:
Lucy Model: Digitrevx, justlooking, aoba-ART, Ikaros, Killt2, and me (Scalloped Potatoes)
Male Model: Flayre
Dance Motion: Tarotaro/椰子
Sex Motions: Scalloped Potatoes
Camera: 拾子Crab
Music: いすぼくろ - 酔いどれ知らず/不知醉
Stage: KISS, S-court, amiamy111
Effects: AdultShader_v014, AutoLuminous4, ikBokeh_v020a, Chromatic, LightBloom, MotionBlur3L_v002