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人妻叢 万引き冤罪凌‥‥辱?

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以前あげた人妻雪泉(のキャラ変更版です。( ´∀` ) かつて人妻を狙い万引き冤罪から人妻を墜とした罪店長、しかし一人では満足できなかった罪店長は 新たな獲物を狙い動きだした。 おっとりして清楚系と思い狙った人妻の結末は‥‥( ´艸`)って感じのイメージです。 キャラ変更しようと思ったところ自分の動画で以前に人妻になったキャラが居たなぁと思い人妻になった叢さんを抜擢しました。 同時にただキャラ変更しただけじゃつまらないだろうなぁと思い手を加えたところ‥‥どうしてこうなった(;´・ω・) まぁ自分の中の叢像がすでにこんなイメージになってしまった感が ___________________________________________________________ This is a character-changed version of Yumi Married Woman ( that I gave before. The manager of the crime store who once targeted a married woman and brought her down after she was falsely accused of shoplifting, however, the manager who was not satisfied with just one person He is not satisfied with just one, however, so he sets his sights on a new prey. The story is about a married woman who is calm and innocent, and how she ends up.... When I was thinking of changing the character, I thought of a character who became a married woman in one of my videos, so I chose Murikumo, who became a married woman. At the same time, I thought it would be boring to just change the character, so I made some changes............................ Well, I feel that my image of Murakumo has already turned out to be like this.