i need a stronger PC or to figure out how to transfer models from the game that work in MMD or blender.
had planed to do something more lewd but that will have to wait for now, hope you enjoy this anyway.
Song: [【Cover 歌ってみた】威風堂々【ときのそら AZKi 星街すいせい Mori Calliope IRyS】](https://youtu.be/4w3zoAbxkbo)
IRyS model by: [IdolA](https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/98890607)
AZKi model by: [luus](https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/95360047)
motion by: [あやはち(東西P)](http://bowlroll.net/up/sc?user=ayahachi8)