这次使用的是来自崩坏:星穹铁道的白露. 本部视频的题材和之前的有所不同,而且插入了一些静画.
This time is BaiLu from Honkai: Star Rail. The theme of this video is different from the previous video, and I add some photo in this video.
However, due to my bad skill,maybe this video is not very good, but I still hope that you will like it~!应小伙伴的要求,建立了一个小群:675441346,欢迎来玩和交流xp~视频的高码率版会放在群内,咱会不定期放一些福利(可以玩群主,但是不许做出格的事情!
Thanks for your support and following. I'm learning MMD. All friend request will be accept~前作: https://ecchi.iwara.tv/videos/rajzku59a58fd4llvz
My Previous Video: https://ecchi.iwara.tv/videos/rajzku59a58fd4llvz