少し早いですがラミィちゃんからのバレンタインプレゼントをお受け取りくださいIt's Ramy's dance that I finally made
Yesterday there was a heavy snowfall in torinomiya's habitat area, so I had to take a day off from work (also known as paid consumption).
Enjoy a luxurious time with MMD and Uma MusumeActually, Ramy's data in MMD is much more than other Holomen.
It didn't hit the spot to make it into a video
JUMP_UP this time is the one that came to me the most after making various dances (I accept the objection)All the hololive models you got should have been included in the video?
It's a little early, but please accept the Valentine's gift from Ramy-chan.モデル モーション ステージ 楽曲 全ての作成者様に感謝いたします
Model Motion Stage Thank you to all the creators of the song.
Thank you to everyone who liked the preceding video* Silent friend request will be deleted