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素晴らしいオリジナル コンテンツ クリエーターの皆さんに感謝します。彼らの作品が気に入ったら、彼らのページにアクセスしてサポートしてください!以下是作者名单/Below is the list of authors:Wayward3D/JuickNeko/RapidBananaCannon/Lvl3Toaster/Nagoonimation/Bulging Senpai/
The Firebrand/Qyti/vgerotica/hydrafxx/QOC/Pewposterous/Jerid/lazyprocrastinator/Pantsushi链接里有详细记录素材来源的时间表和原作者的主页资料:
The link contains a detailed timeline of the source material and the original author's home page information:
if there is any copyright and infringement problem please let me know!
最后谢谢观看!有什么建议也非常欢迎评论!Happy new year! I have made a Tifa NTR HMV this time, and so I basically didn't use any clips that the male is Cloud this time lol.
Tifa thought she could sneak into Shinra and was turned into a slut.
Although the editing is fun this time, seems I have made it too complicated which makes my computer crash every time
when I want to export it through PR. Therefore I can't promise a high-resolution version but I will try my best.
Hope you enjoy it. Any suggestions and comments are welcome!BGM: Dropheadz-Get Blasted