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(Updated) Exercise With Bismarck Part 1 - Permission to Observe All The Time [Altered Perception] [Twisted Common Sense]

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Part 1 is extended even further. This time we do a little bit of warm-up.
Bismarck doesn't understand anything sexual at all and thinks of it as something entirely different.
In the beginning, Sinbag didn't catch that and treated her as just not being aware enough.
But as they finished their warm-up, Sinbag realises that Bismarck may not be right in the mind.
Or is it him according to Bismarck? Who knows, what Sinbag do know is, Bismarck is fucking hot in that gym clothes of hers.
"I wonder how far I can go?"

Gotta say this fetish is pretty niche. Not everywhere I see this stuff.
If I were to explain, this fetish is a derivative of hypnosis, but without the phone (or a swinging coin, convenient tool, etc.)
It's like, it was there from the very beginning, a natural order, it's common sense.
And to have your common sense clash with such twisted common sense, especially when it comes to sexual stuff is...
And after that, you continued learning how twisted her common sense was while retaining that last bit of your restraint.
Then boom.
If you want to look into this kind of stuff, I recommend reading doujins from Noripachi and Abubu Nownanka.
They have the good stuff.

This part is still subject to change until the whole series is finished.

Part 2 is still RAW but if you want to, check out my Patreon.

Hope you like it and enjoy it.