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Bache - Level Up [Azur Lane]

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Merry late Christmas🎄

Why the late Christmas video?

I didn't plan on making a Christmas video,
but I got kind of jealous seeing others uploading one
so after a bit of exquisit inspiration
I made this Bache Christmas outfit.

I kind of did this outfit in a day,
so I didn't really bother fixing it up properly.
It was more of an exercise for when I make the
"How to make skin tight clothing" tutorial.
Too bad I didn't record this one but oh well. :/

Also added seggs, because I feel guilty
posting Bache without seggs :v

Why Ray MMD?

I also played around again with Ray MMD,
so I just decided to make the video in MMD.
Didn't want to mess with Blender IK problems
when the video is so short on short notice.

Now that I know a lot more about how lights work
or rather, what the phong lighting model is
I feel like Ray is a lot easier to use now.

I also rewrote a bit of the Ray shader code
so that I could have lights with only specular.
The standard Ray only had normal and diffuse lights
which are named "Ambient", talk about misleading xD

I might overhaul Ray MMD at some point,
probably when I get around to Ray Tutorials,
but that will probably still take a long while :v

Why did you start live streaming?

Btw, I started live streaming more or less.
You can find my stream here and <acronym title="Video on Demand" rel="nofollow">VoDs</acronym> here.
I don't really have a schedule,
I just stream when I have the time
and animate some random stuff.

As for why I started live streaming:
uh... I just felt like it XD
There was some kind of aniversary event on pomf
and you could get some funny points when you stream on that day
so I thought: "Why not? I animate anyway, might as well have an audience."

Obs was more intuitive than I thought
and streaming was rather pleasant.
I ended up going for 4 1/2 hours on the first stream.
Also, I went from being asked whether I like Pokemon girls,
to having Misty banging Ash from behind.
Yes, the order of words is correct. ;)

I got enough funny points
to buy 2 VoD slots
so I'd argue it was worth it.
Streaming also has the advantage
that I have a recording of my work
so I can measure how long animating certain things takes.

What's next?

Last video of the year will be out on the 31st.
Don't expect much,
it's just a small compilation of animation doodles I made over 2022.

I'll talk more about my plans for next years there.
Hope you all had a pleasant Christmas.



Asset Name Creator
Model Head Bache ヨクネル
Model Body Bache (Anon Edit) Anon?
Clothes 1 Santa Hat LunaSukii
Clothes 2 Sleeves 3 Metra-Philia
Stage Fashion Show Stage UwUnch
Motion & Camera Level Up DOLLYMOLLY Official
Audio Level Up Ciara


Editing Rendering Animating Other
MikuMikuDance Blender MikuMikuMoving Shutter Encoder
PMXEditor mmd_tools MikuMikuMoving Plugins Audacity
VMDサイジング mmd_uuunyaa_tools - -