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[MMD] Carla (Fairy Tail) | Heart Attack

Please share the website with your friends. We use P2P technology, and the more people use it, the faster it becomes.

I'm pretty excited about this one, honestly. I love the motion, and I love the way the model turned out. I did a slight face edit of the Wendy model, and the results were to my liking.

However, much like her sister-model the curse of large file sizes remains. I think I got a pretty good handle on Handbrake now for it to be a non-issue, but it is annoying regardless.

If all goes to plan, I will see you on the 25th for the last big project of the year, followed by an annoucement. Stay tuned!

Model: Digitrev, Killt2, J&J, JL, Ikaros and me
Motion: Natsumi San
Camera: Elyne Ena
Music: AOA
Stage: Philippe-N-12

(P.S. to a certain few: You know what you did...)