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Miku Jazz V1 🎼 (Wallpaper Engine) | Free wallpaper DL

Please share the website with your friends. We use P2P technology, and the more people use it, the faster it becomes.

🎼 I did a thing, turned MMD Miku from 3d to 2d and made this animated wallpaper 🎼 It's free on steam if you want it!
⚙️ Get it on Steam here (Wallpaper Engine is required)

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⚙️ steam workshop: ratzyworks

I will make more lewd wallpapers, those will not be on steam tho, have to go to patreon or discord for those probably
and yes, there will be more MMD again shortly, MMD production will resume :p

been having fun lately messing more with WE and ai stuff, it's nice to sometimes dig into different areas that mix well
missed a bit working with 2d, ai brought back a lot, but in a new light

most certainly we've only seen the top of the iceberg still, won't be long before style transfered mmd's will become a thing
It's probably a good idea for artist to research and learn and realize the game has/is changing a lot these days, what a time to be aliiiiive..