前回罪オーナーの手により完全に墜とされた雪泉。( ノД`)シクシク…
ご主人の命令(とご褒美)が第一な雪泉は月閃のメンバーを売るのであった。って感じの流れになります。( ´艸`)
どうせならと月閃メンバー全員を参戦させました。( ̄▽ ̄;)
This is a continuation of the previous video (https://ecchi.iwara.tv/videos/dolgbi5nofm42lyz)
Yumi was completely brought down by the owner of sin last time.
The Sin Owner orders Yukizumi to bring in a new slave.
Yumi, who puts her master's orders (and rewards) first, sells the Gessen members. That's how it goes.
In my last comment, I recommended Murakumo and Minori for riding a corrupted woman or bringing in another character.
I had all the members of Gessen participate in this project anyway.
The audio was so bad because I had them all do the same thing at the same time, so the audio may be a little hard to hear.
In case you're interested (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-c3dE-WGFAg), we've put up a dance (healthy) for all the members.