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Noelle - Me&You [Genshin Impact]

Please share the website with your friends. We use P2P technology, and the more people use it, the faster it becomes.

Please take part in my survey about my videos and future ones!
(If you haven't already)
The survey goes for ~4 weeks until 13.11.2022.
The survey shouldn't take any longer than 5-10min
so if you could spare a little of your time
I'd be really thankful ^-^

Making this survey might be the best idea I ever had.
Like I thought I would only get like 10-20 Participants after 4 weeks.
Now I already have almost 50 participants :O

I'm going to properly go over the results on a future post
but from the small glance I took
I can already tell I have a really biased viewer base xD

I want to once again thank everyone that has already participated
for the taking the time and writing messages that put a smile on my face ^^

I promised a bit of a story time,
so here it is:

After I stopped posting ray-cast videos
I was actually starting a few bigger projects
and trying to get good with ray-cast.
It was also a time where I thought about quitting MMD
since spend too much time on it.

One of the projects I had was Me & You.
I think it was the first time I head swaped a model.
It was this Noelle Edit.
The projects I was making were essentially just dance with seggs sections.
I think it had a BJ and standing Doggy scene.
It was also in that prison stage with some literal floodlight models.

That project along with "I'm not cool" and other stuff got wiped
when I switched to Linux and forgot to back up my data.
Frustrated, I didn't touch MMD for a long while...

But in the end, I couldn't quit.
And since MMD/MMM didn't really work on Linux,
I needed an alternative.
So I made the jump:
I started learning Blender.

Then the second wipe happend
and that's how Rushia - Pink Cat happend.
But that's a story for another time ;)

Also, sorry, no seggs.
Didn't get around to do it after all.
Trying to make a Halloween video currently,
but I'm kinda short on time and energy :/
Probably won't make it in time...



Asset Name Creator
Head Model Noelle xCallme-Luxx
Body Model 春日結 Mizuki
Stage 教会 にくきゅー
Motion & Camera ME&YOU Kimagure


Editing Rendering Animating
MikuMikuDance Blender MikuMikuMoving
PMXEditor mmd_tools MikuMikuMoving Plugins
VMDサイジング mmd_uuunyaa_tools -