希望各位能喜欢,谢谢观看!有什么建议也非常欢迎评论!Seika Girls' Academy is my favourite hentai series and i
highly recommend Kurosu Gatari sensei's works!
Although every character made an appearance, you can certainly see
that my favourite character is Louisa lol
Thank you for watching and hope you enjoy it!
Any suggestions and comments are welcome!原作/Original:[DOLL PLAY (黒巣ガタリ)] 聖華女学院高等部公認竿おじさん
Seika Jogakuin Koutoubu Kounin Sao Oji
动画:OVA 聖華女学院公認竿おじさん #1-4
BGM: Vikstrom - Bouncin' Ass