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康熙 ( Yin-Yang ) Kangxi - Gilrs - R18

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Hello, it's Morsp again. I'm going to upload my third R18 MMD. This time I use the song named Girls, which is also one of my favorite MMD BGM. However, firstly, I'm sorry that the skin of Kangxi looks a little bit pale, as I just intend to make her skin could work harmoniously with her black suit. After outputting the video, it turns out to be failed. I'm so sad about it, because I've spent much time in designing the transformation of her suit and right now it couldn't cooperate with the character. What's worse, when I tried to fix it, I can't remember the exact parameter of the lighting render.

Pathetic, isn't it?

I'm so sorry about it. It has berried in my mind that it will never come to an end if someone wants to make a perfect MMD Video. Thus, I save the MMD project and of course I will remake this MMD one day. Thank you very much for watching if you could tolerate my shortcoming. I will endeavor to make progress, thank you.

If you like this video and desire to watch HD Edition(1.15GB), you can contact me via PM, and I will reply with Mediafire link later.



