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[MMD R18] Gokuraku Jodo (Yuka)

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Camera by Ademar440 with small edits by me
Yuka: My OC

I know this motion has been used to death. But I'm a big fan of it. And I always told myself I'd wait until I was better at making content to use it. I'm still trying to figure out lighting and effects. But I feel like I did better with this one. I put more effort into this than anything I've made so far, and I feel like it turned out well. I t\aught myself alot about how lighting effects work this time. And I'll probably forget all of it by the next time I make a video.

"Why is the lower ring so big?"
Her hips are wide. And because the motion data for the song does something weird with her hip bone. At times it's inside her left ass. Even when she's standing straight. I have no idea what to do with that, and it was easier to work with the hip bone instead of her lower body. Making it so wide was just the simplest solution in terms of the work I did. And my content isn't worth doing the proper solution.

I thought about making a link for an alternate version where the glow effect on the rings aren't so overwhelming. But I doubt anyone is going to care anyway.