(For deletion requests, please contact Twitter Direct Message.)専門職の先輩二人を差し置いて、センターは私がやりますってドヤ顔でしゃしゃり出てくるゆかりさんを想像すると可愛い。
(It's cute to imagine Yukari-san saying with a smug look on her face that she will be the center, ahead of her two professional seniors.)
(It's been a while. I was playing Sophie's Atelier 2 for a bit.
Oh, Sophie, you are too cute! At the same time, I thought that grandma was hot too.
I'm going to be busy with Monster Hunter Rise Sun Break coming out in the future.)
(I mentioned before that the USB port broke when I was adding memory, but when I disassembled it, I found that the socket to the motherboard had just been disconnected.)